Hope and Care for Children Inc
Just recently the orphanage for open care for children was flooded out another part of Liberia. Removed the orphanage and built new dormitories and classrooms. This new land was also in a floodplain, but less likely to have severe damage. Southwoods had to incorporate flood management and use as much of the relatively dry land for food production and education. Expansion of the buildings to provide services was also taking up more space land, so we had to be extremely efficient and how we use the land and hopefully have an integrated system with the rest of the architecture. The orphanage services 200 students while housing 20 permanent residents. Activity areas for outdoor Sports and functions are extremely important, thus managing the space requires reserving adequate production plots while providing outdoor spaces. Planted firms were incorporated along the outer perimeter of the property towards the river to deter small flooding events. Trees and shrubs can be used along the river side to increase the amount of silt deposited during the flood times and raise the soil level. Large scale floods would raise the grade of the soil allowing for further protection from smaller flooding events. Features on the landscape for the orphanage included:
• Biomass production area for soil amendments
• Food production areas for daily vegetables and grains.
• Orphanage gardens for education
• Banana and Citrus Grove
• Perennial gardens near buildings for security and drainage
• Cashew and rubber trees to cool south side of buildings.
• Composting Area
• Biogas Production Area.
• Root crop and onion planting area.
• Swale and berm elevated areas for water management.
• Managed entrance areas, parking, and student activity spaces.
• Additional perimeter tree areas.
Climate: Tropical Monsoon
Annual Precipitation: 1400-3000 millimeters
Country: Liberia
Function: Orphanage