Szczecin Lagoon Eco Island
For hundreds of years dredging companies have been digging ship canals and shipping lanes deep into sea beds. Soil from these has been dumped on land and shorelines. In 2018 Southwoods was asked to create an island sanctuary with dredged materials from a marine way widening project. 1.25 kilometres wide, the eco-island has 6 major habitat areas and an array of shorelines, wetlands, freshwater ponds, rookery trees, nest boxes, and a multilayered canopy of deciduous trees and shrubs. A second two-kilometre island is planned to begin creating a series of five estuary sanctuaries from otherwise.
Benefits of the island are:
a protected habitat for threatened and declining species.
Resources for migrating birds in the European flyway
Isolated, varied, and protected shoreline habitat
Wetlands for freshwater flora and fauna
Marine sanctuary offering habitat and recreational wildlife observation
Improved public perception of corporate ethics and intention
Improved perception of national priorities for ecological restoration
restored ecosystem services for fisheries and sports fishing.
a model strategy for repurposing dredged materials for long term storage.
reduced cost in dredging projects
Climate: Cold Temperate
Annual Precipitation: 26 inches
Country: Poland
Function: Eco Island